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Authors: Asrumi, Asrumi
Keywords: Instruction of Indonesian language
Issue Date: 19-Sep-2017
Abstract: The formation of national character can be done through education stating that the purpose of education to develop learnes religiously spiritual power, self -control, personality, intelligence, morality, and skill required by themselves, society, nation and the state. The instruction of Indonesian language has been preparing senior high school graduates to be university students who are capable of thinking equivalent to “parrot” and cannot think high (conceptual, synthesis, and critical). This can be seen from students whose reasoning ability and writing creativity are to low, tend to cut-copy paste from the internet when getting an assignment, thesis order in cities of students. It could be argued that the characters are built from the on-going learning is limited to character of plagiarism, perrot -like, slick as deer, oversimplifying problems, not creative, corruption, collusion, nepotism, and not contruct a creating mentality. How to build characters of undergraduates are “creative” in writing their reasoning on the basis of direct observation and documentation as well as building honest characters the are responsible for everything that they write through an integrated teaching of Indonesian Language. In this case: (1) what materials, (2) the method of teaching, and (3) the target that should be achieved at the end of the course and the target during and after graduation and becoming scholars. The method used in solving these problems is action research. The result obtained were that in building characters of the S1 students whose chacacters or mentality of “creating”, honesty, and being responsible can be achieved through an integrated teaching of Indonesian language between grammar theory and its application in the production of scientific papers. Indonesian language teaching materials: (1) the position and functions of Indonesian language; (2) errors in Indonesian language, including spelling errors, errors in word choice (diction); (3) effective sentence; (4) paragraph and its development; (5) scientific writing; (6) the elements of scientific paper writing; (7) complementary elements of scientific paper writing; (8) composition of scientific papers in accordance with student disciplin in forms of students paper proposals, research reports, seminar papers, and scientific articles. Method of learning teaching of Indonesian language: the delivery of materials, practices, and evaluation. The final goal of teaching is that students can make research proposals, research reports, seminar papers and can compose scientific articles for publication in scientific journals.
Description: Proceeding International Seminar on Instructional Strategy in Higher Education 2010
ISSN: 2086-7158
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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