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Title: The Effectiveness of White Cambodia Flower Extract (Plumerlaalba L.) As a Denture Cleanser to Decrease the Number of Candida Albicans in Soft Liner
Authors: Anindita, Elizabeth Luna
Hidayati, Lusi
Gunadi, Achmad
Keywords: Candida albicans
denture cleanser
Plumeria alba
soft liner
Issue Date: 10-Aug-2017
Abstract: The concentration of C atbocanson soft tiner in sterile distilled water and white cambodia flower extract in different c:oncentratlOnS(25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) are 1,576.108 CFU/mt, 1,334.108 CFU/mI, 0,896.108 CFU/ml, 0,464.108 CFU/ml, and a 0,035x108 CFU/ml respecllvely. Concluslonsll is shown that theconcentrations of C. albicans decreased with the increasing of the concentrations of white cambodia flower extract. Therefore. while cambodia flower extract is plOVento be effective againstC. albicans
Description: Proceeding FDI-PDGI
ISBN: 978-602-18082-9-0
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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