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Title: Peran Matriks Metalloproteninase (MMP 9) pada Remodeling Tulang Alveolar
Authors: Maulana, Hafiedz
Keywords: Matrix Maetalloproteinase 9 (MMP 9), Alveolar bone, Remodeling
Issue Date: 29-Mar-2017
Abstract: The alveolar bone is the bone that supported the teeth, contains the thickened ridge of bone, tooth socket, and alveoli. Like the bone, alveolar bone is constantly remodeling which is a complex process involving the resoption and aposition of bone.
Description: Procceding Book FORKINAS VI FKG UNEJ 14th-15th 2016
ISBN: 978-602-74798-7-6
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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