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dc.contributor.advisorSalikin, Hairus-
dc.contributor.advisorTri Wahyuningsih, Agung-
dc.contributor.authorDEWI KUSUMA ANGGRAINI, TITIN-
dc.description.abstractThis study deals with English code switching and code mixing which occur in Indonesian television advertisements and its influence on English Department Students in year of 2014/2015 in Faculty of Letters, Jember University as the consumers. The classification of code switching and code mixing are based on the theory proposed by Hamers and Blanc (2004). The data are transcripts of television advertisements which are shown in September to November 2015 and questionnaires which are filled by students of English Department Faculty of Letters, Jember University. This study aims to investigate the types of code switching and code mixing used in Indonesian television advertisements and to indicate the influence of code switching and code mixing used in Indonesian television advertisements which affect the English Department Faculty of Letters, Jember University students’ preference as the consumers to choose a certain product. This study uses two methods namely qualitative and quantitative method. The findings show that intersentential switching is the type of code switching which is mostly used in the advertisements. Beside, in code mixing, the insertion process is used more rather than the alternation process. There are five reasons of consumers to choose a certain product namely because of the quality of the product, the sense and appearance of the product, the willing to try something new, the advertisements contain English code switching and code mixing and the price of the product.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesARTIKEL ILMIAH MAHASISWA;-
dc.subjectTelevision Advertisementsen_US
dc.subjectCode Switchingen_US
dc.subjectCode Mixingen_US
dc.subjectthe Influence to the Consumersen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Use of English Code Switching and Code Mixing in Indonesian Television Advertisements and Its Influence on English Department Students in Year of 2014/2015 in Faculty of Letters Jember University as the Consumers (Studi tentang Penggunaan Bahasa Inggris Alih Kode dan Campur Kode pada Iklan Televisi Indonesia dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember Angkatan 2014/2015 sebagai Konsumen)en_US
Appears in Collections:SRA-Humanities

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