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dc.contributor.advisorWiwiek Eko Bindarti-
dc.contributor.advisorEka Wahyuningsih-
dc.contributor.authorHolilatus Sesaria Rodiah-
dc.contributor.authorWiwiek Eko Bindarti-
dc.contributor.authorEka Wahyuningsih-
dc.description.abstractReading is a crucial skill in learning English. By reading, the language learners will get much information and knowledge. Reading is also closely related with comprehension. Unfortunately, learning reading comprehension is not an easy matter for the students. Therefore, this research was intended to improve the XI IPS 3 students’ reading comprehension achievement and their participation in teaching and learning process of reading comprehension at MAN 2 Jember by using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) in the 2015/2016 Academic Year. The design of this research was a classroom action research. MAN 2 Jember was chosen purposively as the research area. The subjects of this research were the XI IPS 3 grade students. There were 26 students as the subjects of this research. Reading comprehension test, observation checklist, documentation and interview were used to collect the data. This research was carried out in two cycles in order to meet the research criteria. The result of the reading comprehension achievement showed that there was an improvement that could be seen from the mean score of the students that increased from in 67.7 in Cycle I to 75.53 in Cycle II. Meanwhile, from each meeting of the cycle, improvement of students’ participation in teaching and learning process was shown where in Cycle I the participation improved from 64% in the first meeting to   69.23% in the second meeting. In Cycle II the participation improved from   73.07% in the first meeting to 75% in the second meeting. Based on the explanation above, it could be concluded that the use of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) could improve the XI IPS 3 students’ reading comprehension achievement and their participation in teaching and learning process of reading at MAN 2 Jember.en_US
dc.subjectClassroom Action Research, Reading Comprehension Achievement, Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR)en_US
dc.titleImproving the XI IPS 3 Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement by Using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) at MAN 2 Jemberen_US
dc.typeStudent Paperen_US
Appears in Collections:SRA-Education

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