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dc.contributor.authorRijadi, Arief-
dc.descriptionTerakreditasi SK. Ditjen Dikti No.55/DIKTI/Kep./2005 Tanggal 17 Nopember 2005en_US
dc.description.abstractRelantionship interaction between speaker and partner can be associative and dissociative. Associative relationship bring to positive relationship, such - as; cooperation, accommodation and assimilation which focusing at maximizing result productivity which's done by speaker and partner. Dissociative relationship bring to negative relationships such -as; aversion/hate, egoism and dissolution (conflict). In this research both character of relationship will be discussed to obtain the result of immeasurable finding on the basis of social dimension aspect in discourse conversation of student. The social dimension aspect covers social distance, social status, formality dimension, and functional dimension.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial;Vol. XI Edisi Mei 2009-
dc.subjectdimensi sosial, tindak mengritik, interaksi mahasiswaen_US
dc.titleDimensi-dimensi Sosial Tindak Mengkritik dalam Interaksi Mahasiswaen_US
Appears in Collections:Fakultas Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan

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