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Title: Lexical Borrowing in Penyengat-Malay Language
Authors: Samudji
Setiarini, Riskia
Azizah, Siti
Keywords: Lexical
Penyengat-Malay Language
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2016
Abstract: The aims of this research are to discover types of borrowing applied in Dewan Dictionary from English language to Penyengat – Malay language and changes happening in the types of language borrowing. Durkin’s (2014: 08) theory on lexical borrowing is used as a framework for analyzing the types of borrowing behind the adoption of some words in Penyengat – Malay language. He states that there are four types of lexical borrowing words. They are (i) loanwords, (ii) loan translations, (iii) semantic loans and (iv) loan blends. Those types of borrowing are based on change in spelling, pronunciation and meaning. The type of data in this thesis is qualitative data. The data are collected using purposive sampling method and test. The dictionary used as the object is Dewan Dictionary. It consists of the words from alphabet A until Z in 4846 pages. There are only 59 pages randomly that are chosen. There are 49 words in the selected pages. A list of selected borrowing words is made to do a test. It consists of the words with its spelling and meaning. Five informants are needed in this test. They are local people in Penyengat Island and are not noblemen. Each informant chooses the words which are used in Penyengat – Malay language. Then, the words are pronounced by each informant. The borrowing words which are pronounced by informant are recorded. So, the data also have to be transcribed phonetically. As a result, 49 words are gathered. Those words are described and analyzed. The chosen words are specified the category as daily words based on me as the researcher. Scientific words are not included as the data.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Culture (Cultural Knowledge)

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