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Title: An Analysis of the X.BHS.1 Students’ Listening Comprehension Achievement Tested by Using Entertainment Movie Clip at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jember
Authors: Sugeng Ariyanto
Eka Wahjuningsih
Ikhsan Is Hardian Syarif
Sugeng Ariyanto
Eka Wahjuningsih
Keywords: Students’ Listening Comprehension Achievement, Movie clip, Descriptive Research.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: UNEJ
Abstract: Listening is the first language skill that people learn before they try to communicate with others. It happens naturally since a human was born before he/she learns how to speak, read or write. This makes listening becomes a fundamental skill in language acquisition. This research was intended to analyze and describe the X.BHS.1 students’ listening comprehension achievement. The research design was Descriptive Research. The research area and the research respondents was chosen purposively. The data were collected by using, interview, listening test, and documentation. The result of this research found that the students’ mean score was 76,5. It can be concluded that the students’ were good in comprehending the listening test material through movie clip. In details, the students’ ability in comprehending general information was 72,8% in which their ability was categorized as “fair”. Meanwhile, the students’ ability in comprehending specific information was 78,4% in which their ability was categorized as “good”.
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