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Title: Peran Gender Dalam Mengurangi Kemiskinan Di Desa Kertonegoro Kecamatan Jenggawah Kabupaten Jember
Authors: Purti, Deby Rakhmawati Ade
Fathorrazi, Mohammad
Wibisono, Sunlip
Keywords: Poverty
Gender Roles
Husband Income
Husband Job
Wife Income
Husband Education
Wife Education
Wife Job
Number of dependents Family Husband and Wife
Issue Date: 29-Jun-2016
Abstract: This study aims to determine the influence of gender roles as measured by revenue husband, the husband of education, type of job the husband, wife revenue, wife of education, occupation and number of dependents wife towards gender roles in reducing poverty in the village Kertonegoro Jenggawah District of Jember. This research using descriptive analysis method with quantitative approach. Test results showed partial variable husband's income (X1) on the status of family welfare (Y) positive and significant impact; Husband education variable (X2) of the status of family welfare (Y) and not significant positive effect; Variable types husband's work (X3) of the status of family welfare (Y) positive and significant impact; Variable wife revenue (X.4) the status of family welfare (Y) positive and significant impact; Education variable wife (X.5) of the status of family welfare (Y) and not significant positive effect; Variable types of jobs wife (X.6) the status of family welfare (Y) positive and significant impact; Variable number of dependents (X.7) the status of family welfare (Y) and not significant positive effect on the welfare status of poor families in the village Kertonegoro Jenggawah District of Jember.
ISBN: 978-602-1194-55-3
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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