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dc.contributor.advisorKhazanah, Dewianti-
dc.contributor.authorSEPTI DWI RAHAYU, KURINTA-
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to analyse English compound words based on the morphological aspects. The morphological aspects are the types, the orthographic features, and the meanings of compounds. The data of this research are taken from five selected articles of BBC news on its website. This study uses qualitative research with descriptive method to analysed the data because the data are in the form of words. This research uses Bauer's theory of the types of compounds, Plag et al.,'s theory of the orthographic features of compounds, and McCarthy's theory of the meanings of compounds as the main theories. The result of the study shows that there are five types of compounds in the selected articles, they are: compound nouns, compound verbs, compound adjectives, neo-classical compounds, and other form classes. Compound nouns become the most dominant types of compounds. When the compounds are complex and longer, they tend to be written separately rather than as a one word or hyphenated. Compounds which are written as a one word, tend to be classified as exocentric compounds. Whereas compounds which are written separately, tend to be classified as endocentric compounds.en_US
dc.publisherUNEJ PRESSen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesARTIKEL ILMIAH MAHASISWA;-
dc.subjectEnglish compound wordsen_US
dc.subjectBBC newsen_US
dc.subjecttypes of compoundsen_US
dc.subjectorthographic features of compoundsen_US
dc.subjectmeanings of compoundsen_US
dc.titleA Morphological Analysis on English Compound Words in Five Articles of BBC News (Analisis Morfologi Kata Campuran Bahasa Inggris di Lima Artikel Pilihan Berita BBC)en_US
Appears in Collections:SRA-Humanities

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