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dc.contributor.authorBambang Kusmanadhi-
dc.contributor.authorRachmi Masnilah-
dc.descriptionLEMBAGA PENELITIAN UNIVERSITAS JEMBER Alamat : Jl. Kalimantan No. 37 Jember Telp. 0331-337818, 339385 Fax. 0331-337818en_US
dc.description.abstractThe use of Steiruernema carpocapsae and Bacillu,s thuringiensis as biological control agents is an alternative of red pepper's main pests control which is environmentally friendly. The success of the biological control agents uses is also depended on agroecosystem manipulation nhich is suitable for the agents, such as using mulch and arrangement of plant space. T'he purpose of the research was to know the effeetivity of S. carpocapsae and B. thuringiensis in controlling red pepper's main pests, the use of mulch and plant space which is suitable for S. carpocapsae and B. thuringiensi,s, and tbr red pepper's production. This research has used Fraetional Split Plot Design, with three factors. this are the use of mulch, plant space affangement and pests control method. The result of this research indicated that ,5". carpocapsoe and B. thuringienszs was more effective than control (without pests control), but not significant with insecticide, the use of mulch has enhanced the ability of S. carpocapsae and B. thuringienszs to decrease the percentage of rotten red pepper's fruit, and the use of mulch has effective to increased production total of red pepper fruit. Key words: Biological control agents, agroecosystem manipulation, red pepper's main pests.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipHIBAH FUNDAMENTAL - 2007en_US
dc.titleKeandalan Penggunaan Agens Hayati dalam Pengendalian Hama Sayuran Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi dan Mutu Tanamanen_US
Appears in Collections:LRR-Hibah Pascasarjana

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