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Title: Manfaat extrak propolis sebagai terapi topikal Angular Chelitis pada anak-anak
Authors: Hernawati, Sri
Keywords: angular chelitis
Issue Date: 15-Feb-2016
Abstract: Angular cheilitis is aninflamation possibly accompanied by ulceric erosion of the comen of mouth, its lesion may be expanded to the labial commisure and the adjacent skin. The clinical symptoms of angular cheilitis are ulceric erosion fissure erithemathous with exudates, and yellowish white crust. The etiology of angular chelitis in children is nutrition defisiency, Candida albicans, staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus β hemolyticus. Propolis may be used as alternative medicine for angular cheilitis therapy due to its contents such as vitamin A, B12, minerals, calcium, magnesium, iron, silica, and others. Propolis may protect body from bacteria, virus, fungus, and free radicals. It may precence of alcohol extract relieving the pain.
Description: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember Vol.5 No.2 Mei 2008 Jurnal Stomatognatic
Appears in Collections:LSP-Article In Journal

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