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Authors: Sugeng Iswono
Mochamad Erwin Yahya
Sugeng Iswono
Keywords: raw materials, production process, control policy, product quality, tapioca flour
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: UNEJ
Abstract: The companies engaged in the industry need to maintain and improve the quality of the products. Product quality is an important factor because it will be able to compete with other products in market. This research aimed to determine the application of product quality policy of tapioca starch which includes quality control policy of raw materials, quality control policy of production process, and quality control policy of final products applied by Trade Company CV. Intaf Wonorejo in maintaining product quality of tapioca flour. This research was carried out at Trading Company CV. Intaf located at Jln. Raya Wonorejo No. 99 RT 03 RW 01 Kedungjajang Village, Lumajang, East Java. The research used descriptive method with qualitative paradigm. Informants were selected using purposive sample. The research results showed that there were some policies that had been applied by PD. CV Intaf Wonorejo in maintaining the product quality of tapioca flour: the use of modern technology, implementation of quality control policies ranging from raw materials to finished products, continuous production, the fulfillment of the quality standards of of tapioca flour that had been applied SNI 01-3729-1994 through standard test quality and feasibility conducted by PT. Sucofindo Surabaya.
Appears in Collections:SRA-Social And Politic

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