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Authors: Djoko
Juwan Triastanto
Keywords: economics, education, and social
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: UNEJ
Abstract: Warung kopi (coffee shop) is an informal job sector that is widely found in Jember, particularly in District of Wuluhan, Tamansari Village. The existence of coffee shop was originally beneficial for the community of Tamansari Village and the surrounding villages (Puger, Balung, Kasian Villages) since it can be a new job opportunity, and the coffee shop in Taman Sari Village is popularly known as warung kopi pangku (the coffee shop waitresses give services for sitting on a customer’s lap by his request). However, as the time goes by, the presence of the coffee shops began to be questioned by the public at the surroundings of the coffee shop since they sell not only coffee as usual. They also provide additional services, such as young waitresses who are assigned to accompany the customers. It is interesting to identify factors that encourage the young female teenagers to work as waitresses at the coffee shops. In this case, the research used descriptive-qualitative approach, and the research location was in Tamansari Village, Jember Regency. The determination of informants used snowball sampling, and data were collected by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used raw data, data transcript, temporary conclusion, triangulation, and final conclusion. The validity of data used Credibility Standard, Transferability Standard, Dependability Standard, Sonfirmability Standard. It is concluded that the factors that influence young female teenagers to be waitresses at warung kopi pangku are factors of economy, very minimal education, and social, that is, the affecting surrounding environment.
Appears in Collections:SRA-Social And Politic

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