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Authors: Ahmad Mas'udi Budiana
Ahmad Mas'udi Budiana
Keywords: Adalet ve Kalkinma Partition (AKP), Egypt's military coup, democracy
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: UNEJ
Abstract: Turkey has entered a new era since Adalet Ve Kalkinma Partisi (AKP) won the general elections and governed the country in 2002. Since then, the value of democracy is growing and developing in Turkey. In addition, Turkey also changed its foreign policy which was previously directed to Western countries to be inclined to the regions around Turkey. The change in Turkey’s view were known as Strategic Depth and Zero Problem. Cases that describe the political turnaround can be seen from Turkey’s attitude towards the Egyptian military that forced the president of Egypt Mohamed Morsi to step down from his position in 2013. Turkey called the attempt made by the Egyptian military a form of military coup. In the rules of democracy, a military coup is a behavior that cannot be justified. In that case, Turkey rejected and opposed the military coup of Egypt. It does not mean that the attitude shown by Turkey was without reason. Turkey saw this incidence from the internal and external perspectives.
Appears in Collections:SRA-Agriculture And Agricultural Technology

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