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Authors: Samudji
Setiarini, Riskia
Keywords: Framing Analysis
Linguistic elements
Issue Date: 13-Jan-2016
Abstract: This thesis is focused on the framing analysis as a part of the linguistic elements. It also focuses on the visual elements in 5 printed bag advertisements in different brand. The purposes of this thesis are, to discover the linguistic elements described in the catalog, to discover the visual elements depicted in the catalog, and to know the message that the advertiser want to express in the catalog. It also analyzes written text, especially in five printed bag ads. In printed ads, we can find catalog. It is one of the ways to promote and publish the products. In this case, catalog is usually used to make the customer interested in the product, then they usually buy it after seing those products. It is also has image and text. In this thesis, framing analysis as the main theory to analyse five kinds of printed bag ads. Frame analysis has two kinds of devices: Framing devices and Reasoning devices to get the frame of the ads. Linguistic elements to analyse the text in the catalog are nominal group and metaphor. Text in the printed ads means the slogans that are put in the same page with the images. The images, colour meaning, position of images, and position of the font are used in the visual elements. Results indicates the linguistics and visual elements have the effectiveness to analyze the hidden message in the printed ads. It also can be the way to catch the customer's attention to buy the products. The type of this research is a qualitative approach and the objects are printed advertisements which are five printed in branded bag catalogs. To gather the data, this research uses printed advertisements of printed bags branded taken from catalog. The result of this research shows that linguistic elements are absent in five printed handbag advertisements are in Hermes Paris, Christian Dior, and Channel handbag ads. Those elements that absent are metaphor and nominal group in Hermes Paris advertisement. In Christian Dior and Channel advertisements, the element are absents the same as well. It indicates that the customer assumed to know those handbags very well. In the visual elements, three kinds are analyzed: position of images, colour meaning, and position of the font are analyzed. Position of the fonts mostly used in those ads is on the left side because it is something that the readers presumably already know about this. Some products use the trend colour to produce this handbag in order to catch the customer‟s attention. Position of images mostly used is on the left-side. It means that it is something that has been known by the customer as the point of the message. The images are put on the left side because the buyers-to-be or the customers are expected to see this handbag before they see further information about this products.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Culture (Cultural Knowledge)

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