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dc.contributor.advisorSri Wahyuningsih-
dc.contributor.authorNovita Sari1), Indarto, Sri Wahyuningsih-
dc.contributor.authorNovita Sari1-
dc.contributor.authorSri Wahyuningsih-
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to determine the classification sub type climate Oldeman at UPT PSDAWS Sampean Baru which includes Banyuwangi, Bondowoso, and Situbondo. Methods used in climate classification of the research is a method of intepolasi Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW). Of precipitation data that is used rainfall data daily which then processed into data monthly rainfall to know the wet months (BB) and months of dry (BK). Based on the export of BB and BK into Geographic Information System (GIS) and using methods interpolation IDW will get the map Oldeman. Of the research conducted by, there are 11 sub type classifications Oldeman climate prevailing at UPT PSDAWS Sampean Baru, of them are B1, B2, C1, C2, C3, D2, D3, D4, E3, E4, and E5.en_US
dc.subjectRainfall, Oldeman climate , Sampean Baruen_US
dc.titleKlasifikasi Sub Tipe Iklim Oldeman: Studi Kasus di Wilayah UPTen_US
Appears in Collections:SRA-Agriculture And Agricultural Technology

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