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Authors: Sundari, Siti
Ariyanto, Sugeng
Keywords: Reading Comprehension Achievement
Using Skimming and Scanning Technique
Issue Date: 8-Jan-2016
Abstract: This research was a classroom action research focusing on the use of Skimming and Scanning techniques to improve the eighth grade students reading comprehension achievement. The subjects of this research were the students of class VIII-C at MTs N 1 Jember in the 2014/2015 academic year. This class was chosen because the students experienced difficulties in comprehending the English texts. It was shown from the students’ average score of English mid term test was 65. It was below the standard score level in the school, that was 75. In this research, the researcher used skimming and scanning techniques because it was believed that those techniques could improve the students’ reading comprehension achievement. Skimming and scanning techniques that were used in this research was quick reading techniques. According to Greelet (1996:4), skimming and scanning are one of the ways of reading comprehension. The skimming technique was used for finding the general information of the text, while the scanning technique was used for finding the specific information of the text. Both techniques were used during the teaching learning process of reading. This research was conducted on January, 27th — February, 14th 2015 in 2 cycles. This research was done sequencely by four stages, namely the planning of the action, the implementation of the action, observation and evaluation, data analysis, and reflection of the action. In each cycle of the actions, there were two meetings of teaching and learning process of reading and the third meeting was the reading test. This research was conducted in two cycles. The results of the observations in cycle 1 showed the students’ active participation did not achieve the research target. It was showed by the average percentage of the students who was categorized as active students in cycle 1 were 65.16%. The criteria of success of the research was at least 75% of the students categorized as active students was not achieved in the teaching learning process of reading. Besides, the average score of the students’ reading comprehension test in cycle 1 was 71.67. There was only 61.29% of students who achieved the standard minimum of the English score. Therefore, the result of reading comprehension test in cycle 1 could not achieve the criteria of success of the research that was 75% of the students got score ≥75 in the reading comprehension test. The action was continued to cycle 2 because the result of the research in cycle 1 could not achieve the research target. The classroom observation and reading comprehension test in cycle 2 showed an improvement. The results of the observations showed there was 74.19% of the students who were categorized as active students in meeting 1, while there was 77.42% of the students who were categorized as active students in meeting 2. This indicates that the students actively participated in the teaching learning process of reading. Besides, the result of reading comprehension test in cycle 2 achieved the criteria of the research objective. There were 24 students or 77.42% out of 31 students could achieve the standard reading score that was ≥75. It indicated that the results of the reading test in the second cycle achieved the criteria of the success of the research. Based on the result of the research above, it could be concluded that the use of skimming and scanning techniques could improve the eighth grade students’ reading comprehension achievement in the teaching learning process at MTs N 1 Jember. It is suggested that the English teacher can use skimming and scanning techniques in the teaching learning process of reading. The skimming and scanning techniques could be as the alternative techniques to reduce the students’ problem in reading. The future researchers are suggested to conduct a further research dealing with a similar problem by using different research design at different schools.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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