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Title: Laju Pengeringan Pisang Klutuk (Musa balbisiana) pada Unit Fluidized Bed
Authors: Sutarsi
Iwan Taruna
Nurul Aini
Iwan Taruna
Keywords: klutuk banana, drying rate, fluidized bed.
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: UNEJ
Abstract: Klutuk banana is one of banana types in Indonesia has a short shelf life and low economic value. One of the best ways to have a long saving life of Klutuk banana is using fluidized bed drying method, because the air speed for moving the bananas in drying process can be adjusted. The purpose of this research were to know the drying rate of Klutuk banana in a fluidized bed dryer. The research method used in this study was experimental method with two variables i.e. drying temperatures (50, 65, dan 80°C) and debit (102,78, 121,46, and 140,15 m3/h). The result showed that for 150 gram of Klutuk banana in each drying process; the fastest time reduction of moisture content was occurred on T3Q2 treatment (80°C and 121,46 m3/hour); from 1570,68 to 6,78 %db within 40 minutes in drying process, and T3Q3 (80°C and 140,15 m3/h) that could reduce the water content from 1473,35 to 7,97 %db in 40 minutes. Meanwhile, the longest time of klutuk drying was happened during application of T1Q1 treatment, which could dehydrate Klutuk moisture from 1482,16 to 7,99 %db for about 60 minutes. The highest drying rate value of about 134,14% db/min was performed when the air speed was operated at 140,15 m3/hour. It was also noticed that the increased drying air velocity had caused the drying to increase consistently.
Appears in Collections:SRA-Agriculture And Agricultural Technology

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