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Authors: Ariyanto, Sugeng
Santihastuti, Asih
Putri, Dewinda Mazita Priatna
Keywords: Listening Comprehension
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2015
Abstract: Listening is one of the four skills in English that EFL Students such as in Indonesia consider difficult to be learnt. In listening skill, students have to deal with the stress, pronunciation, accents and other aspects in the spoken language. For this reason, the idea of using authentic video material in the classroom for teaching listening is highly needed in order to help teacher in teaching listening in a better way. Video in teaching and learning process helps students visualize things in listening class. Authentic video gives the opportunity for the students to explore the real language in the real context of language used. The purpose of this research was to describe the listening comprehension achievement of the seventh year high achiever students by using video in which it covered the students‟ listening comprehension skill for finding main idea and specific information. The design of this research was descriptive research. The research respondents were the seventh year high achiever students. In collecting the data, this research used interview, listening test and documentation. The interview method was used to collect the information from the English teacher about the students‟ listening comprehension and the teacher‟s way in teaching listening. The listening test was used to measure the students‟ listening comprehension achievement especially the ability in comprehending main idea and specific information from the listening material. Moreover, documentation was used to collect the data about the students‟ English score, the teacher‟s lesson plan and the syllabus. Further, the data in this research was in the form of qualitative data and quantitative data. The qualitative data was analyzed by describing the real condition of the students‟ listening comprehension achievement and the xiii xiii quantitative data was analyzed statistically using percentage formula to get the result of the students‟ listening comprehension test. The result of interview showed that the teacher used video in teaching listening, but in teaching and learning process, the time allocation for teaching listening was not as much as other skills. It was because the teacher had to teach the four skills that were integrated in one meeting. Further, in teaching listening, the teacher usually asked the students to observe the video in order to get the main idea and the detail information from the video. The result of the listening comprehension test showed that the seventh year high achiever students‟ listening comprehension achievement by using video at SMP Negeri 3 Jember in 2014-2015 academic year was categorized fair. In this case, most of the students got score in range 60-74 in which it was categorized fair based on Nurgiyantoro‟s (2001) table of classification. The result of this research discovered that the students‟ listening comprehension was showing positive result. It means that video as the listening material gave positive impact on the students‟ listening comprehension. In general, the students were having fair comprehension in comprehending the listening material because 39% of the total number of students was classified fair in comprehending the listening material and only 9% of them were classified poor in comprehending the listening material. Furthermore, this research had also examined the students‟ listening comprehension achievement by using video in finding main idea and specific information. The result of the listening comprehension achievement test found that most of the students were succeed in comprehending 1 main idea only from 2 videos. It can be said that 85% of total number of the students were having excellent comprehension in comprehending the main idea of video 2. On the other hand, The result of the listening comprehension achievement test in finding specific information found that most of the students were right in answering 12-15 questions from 18 questions which asking about specific information. It revealed that about 77% of the total numbers of the students succeed in comprehending the specific information from video 1.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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