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Title: Improving the X-5 students’ active participation and their reading comprehension achievement of narrative text through Note Taking technique at SMAN 1 Jenggawah Jember
Authors: Muhammad Ridho, Ridho
Wiwiek Istianah, Istianah
Asih Santihastuti, Santihastuti
Keywords: Active Participation,
Narrative Text Reading Achievement
Note Taking Technique
Classroom Action Research
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: UNEJ
Abstract: Reading is one of English skills that should be mastered by the foreign learner including English as a foreign language learners .English is learned as a compulsory subject in the school. This research was conducted to solve the problems related to the reading achievement and active participation. The research subject was chosen by using purposive method. While, the research design used was Classroom Action Research. The data of this research was taken from test, observation, documentation and interview. The results showed an improvement happened after getting the actions. The improvement comprised in the active participation and the reading achievement. After the students getting treatment, the percentage of students' active participation increased from 69,7% or 23 students up to 78,7% or 26 students. Besides, there were 25 or 75,7% students who could reach the target score of 75.Before getting treatment, there were only 21 or 63,6% students who could not reach the standard score. This result showed that the use of Note Taking technique in teaching reading could improve the active participation and the reading achievement.
Appears in Collections:SRA-Education

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