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Authors: Lanang Bintang Persada
Bambang Suharjito, Suharjito
Asih Santihastuti, Santihastuti
Keywords: KWL reading strategy
Reading Comprehension
Students’active Participation
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: UNEJ
Abstract: The purpose of this research wasto improve the VII grade students’ participation and their reading comprehension achievement by usingKWL (Know, Want to learn, and Learned) reading strategy. KWL was chosen because it was an appropriate technique to improve both students’ active participation and alsotheir achievement. Based on the purpose, the researcher regarded Classroom Action Research as the design ofthis research. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 5 Jember and the subjects of this research were the VII grade B students. The data were obtained from reading comprehensionachievement test, class observation, interview and documentation. The result of the observation was analyzed statistically by using percentage. The collected data in the form of the students’ reading comprehension scores were analyzed statistically to find the mean score. In details, the mean scoreof students who were active in the teaching and learning process of reading comprehensionincreased from 68.72% in the first cycle to 79.18% in the second cycle and the students’ reading comprehensionachievement test had achieved the research target which was 69.44% students passed the standard requirement in the cycle 1 and 66.67% in the cycle 2. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the use of KWL reading strategyimproved the VII grade Bstudents’ active participation and their achievement in the teaching learning process of reading at SMP Negeri 5 Jember. Therefore, the English teacher is suggested to apply KWL reading strategyin teaching reading comprehension because based on the research result this strategy was able to improve the students’ reading comprehensionachievement as well as their active participation
Appears in Collections:SRA-Education

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