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Title: Improving The X-6 Students’ Participation and Their Reading
Authors: Ika Mirnawati, Mirnawati
Wiwiek Istianah, Istianah
Asih Santihastuti, Santihastuti
Keywords: Jigsaw IV Technique,
Reading Comprehension Achivement
Students’ Participation
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: UNEJ
Abstract: The objectives of this research were: (1) to improve the X-6 grade students’ participation on reading narrative text at SMAN 1 Jenggawah, Jember in 2013/2014 academic year by using Jigsaw IV technique, and (2) to improve the X-6 grade students’ reading comprehension achievement on narrative texdewrewrt at SMAN 1 Jenggawah, Jember in 2013/2014 academic year by using Jigsaw IV technique. The design of this research was classroom action research (CAR) with cyclical mode. The research area was chosen by using purposive method. The data collection methods of this research were reading test, observation checklist, documentation, and interview. Class X-6 was chosen as the respondent of this research by using purposive method. At the end, a reading test and observation were conducted to class X-6 to measure students’ reading comprehension achievement and their participation during teaching and learning process. This research was done in 2 cycle to meet the criteria of success.the result of this research showed improvement at the students’ reading achievement and participation. At the second cycle there were 84% students achieved the standard score minimum and 87% students were active. Thus, the formulated hypothesis (H1): “The use of Jigsaw IV technique can improve the participation of X-6 grade students at SMAN 1 Jenggawah, Jember in the teaching learning process of reading narrative text” and (H2):” The use of Jigsaw IV technique improve the X- 6 students’ reading achievement on narrative text at SMAN 1 Jenggawah, Jember” was accepted.
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