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Title: Hubungan Antara Dukungan Keluarga dengan Kecemasan Perpisahan Akibat Hospitalisasi pada Pasien Anak Usia Pra Sekolah di Bangsal Ibnu Sina RSU PKU Muhammadiyah
Authors: Siswoyo
Anisah Ardiana
Keywords: family support, separation anxiety, preschool children
Issue Date: 2-Jun-2015
Abstract: Ill Child and is experiencing treatment at hospital will face assortdely of stressor. The stressors among others is separation, lossing of control an function, fear, change of body image and pain. The stressors will generate reaction of child which is manifested in the separation anxiety. Separation anxiety which do not overcome later will generate a behavioral trouble at child after child finish a period ao its treatment. The stresors influenced by some its deliverance factor is level grotht of child age, experince of pain, and separation of hospitalized previous, support system, natural coping an which is got serious an also disease diagnosis. Support of familty needed by as a system support able to be used by child to face the stressors, so that separation anxiety earn minimized. Kowing level separation anxiety of preshool children during hospitalization, family support level which during dospitalization, realtion between family support which separation anxiety at preshool children which experiencing treatment at hospital. Non experimental research that is correlation research with cross sectional design. Technique data collecting are quota and accidental sampling a which with method of researcher specify beforehand the amount of research sample that is 30 people an in its election of sample, each found to be sample to be taken as research subject on condition that as according to this research sriterion. Research subject is parent of preschool children which is its child is experiencing treatment in bangsal Ibnu Sina RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Data collected by quesioner with data analysis use statistical test of correlation of rank-order crrelation (spearman rho). Family suport that mos given by responder stay in high category (56,67 %). While separation anxiety bi preschool children which is experiencing treatment in RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta most staying moderate category (60 %). Result of correlation betwen family support variable with separation anxiety variable got by result of r = -0,511 with significant level of p<0,01. So that there are negative realation in moderate category between family support with separation anxiety. Excelsior mount family support hence level separation anxiety of preschool children which is experiencing treatment at hospital will progressively go down.
Appears in Collections:Fakultas Farmasi

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