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Authors: Asri Sundari
Keywords: Ruwatan Akulturasi, ritual culture.
Issue Date: 18-Nov-2014
Abstract: The research entitled Upacara ruwatan anak sukerta dalam masyarakat Jawa di Kabupaten Jember (suatu studi perubahan makna simbolik) –the traditional Javanese culture – expalins that this research was conducted in two areas, namely in the subdistrict of Ambulu and Wuluhan for the rurar society and in the subdistrict of Patrang, Sumbersari, and Kaliwates for the urban society. This research yield the clear distinction in understanding the ritual culture “ruwatan anak sukerto” dealing with simbolic meaning. The rurals say that such kind of symbol contains religius magic or is scred, while the urbans say that the symbol is profane (not sacred). The form of understanding from those two areas appears as the social and culture changing. The social changing is made by the “Santo Yusuf” Chatolic church in the regency of Jember, which held such ritual culture, where as in reality there are no rules to hold “ruwatan’ and also there is no “anak sukerto” term in the Chatolic manner of worship because they think that all babies born in the world are in a good condition. Another fact is that there is “istiqosah” term which attemps to omir “anak sukerta” term, for there is no “anak sukerto” born in the world or even no “ruwatan” ritual culture. This ritual culture merely belongs to Javanese culture. Another social changing is dealth with “Hamily Planning Structur” which means that all babies born in the world are called “anak sukerta”. This structure make some of the society believe and some others not. The example of the form of culture changing made by “Santo Yusuf” Chatolic church in the regncy of Jember is that the ritual culture is named “Ruwatan Akulturasi”it is called as the culture changing because the model of structur done has left symbol and ritual offerings. Besides, leather puppets show as the primary requirement has been separated fram the ritual and it is merely an entertainment.
Appears in Collections:Fakultas Sastra

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