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Title: Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional dan Kecerdasan Spiritual Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Hotel Ijen View ...
Authors: Indra Handayani, Rika
Iswono, Sugeng
Keywords: Emotional Qoutient
Spiritual Qoutient and Performance
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: UNEJ
Series/Report no.: Artikel Ilmiah Hasil Penelitian Mahasiswa;
Abstract: This research was inspired by the lack of service to the hotel guests which led to complaints from hotel guests. This made the quality of service decrease at Ijen View Hotel & Resort Bondowoso. Therefore, this became very important for the researchers to find out how much emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence affected the employee performance at the hotel. The aim was to identify the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on the employee performance at Ijen View Hotel & Resort Bondowoso. This research was conducted toward 62 respondents of operational employees of Ijen View Hotel & Resort Bondowoso. The research results showed that emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence provided a significant, positive effect on employee performance at Ijen View Hotel & Resort Bondowoso. The suggestions in this study are 1) the hotel management is expected to further develop and give knowledge about the existence of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence owned by the employees; it is expected that it can increase the employee performance at Ijen View Hotel & Resort Bondowoso. 2) further research is expected to provide development on the goal orientation in the research and the addition of respondents, so hopefully the research obtains better results
Appears in Collections:SRA-Social And Politic

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