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Title: Inovasi kepala Desa Dalam Mencapai Target Penerimaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Tahun 2012 Di Desa Condro Kecamatan Pasirian Kabupaten Lumajang
Authors: Wahyuningsih, Sri
Wasiati, Inti
Suryawati, Dina
Keywords: innovation
village chief
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: UNEJ
Series/Report no.: Artikel Ilmiah Hasil Penelitian Mahasiswa;
Abstract: This research was aimed to describe the innovations of village chief in Condro Village, District of Pasirian, Lumajang Regency in achieving revenue target of Property tax (PBB) in 2012. Based on this objective, this research used qualitative method of descriptive type. Thus, the data collection relied on key informants determined by purposive sampling technique for structured interviews. In addition to interview, data collection method also used passive participant observation, documentation and library study. The research results showed that the innovation made by the village chief was by applying “PBB Berhadiah” (Prized Property Tax) system, which could make Condro Village find it easy to achieve the determined target and, more proudly, by the achievement of PBB target in 2012, Condro Village gained a chance to be awarded as “Desa Patuh Pajak” (Tax Obedient Village) in Lumajang Regency in 2012
Appears in Collections:SRA-Social And Politic

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