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Authors: Sugeng Raharto
Yuli Hariyati
Keywords: institutions, exchange rates, farmers, rice
Issue Date: 2-Jul-2014
Abstract: The main problem is often faced by the farmers, especially producers of rice farmers now is the low level of sales prices of rice especially during the peak harvest season, because of the environment and the weather is usually in conjunction with the rainy season. Another cause of low grain prices that is small scale rice farming, limited facilities and infrastructure of production and post harvest. Objectives: (1) assess the institutional role of farmers in exchange rates, (2) identify factors driving and inhibiting the dynamics of farmer institutions. Research location is Jember and Banyuwangi Region. The results showed, the exchange rate is influenced farmers' age, education, experience, area and status of land management. Institutional conditions that encourage farmers member-owned institution, means of production are met mainly fertilizer and factors inhibiting the limited institutional capital owned by farmers.
Description: International Conference on Agribusiness Marketing (ICAM) Jember, Indonesia, June 25-26, 2012
ISBN: 978-602-9030-09-9
Appears in Collections:Fakultas Pertanian

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