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Authors: Khoiron
Keywords: Tobacco, smoke, advertising
Issue Date: 9-May-2014
Abstract: Background : Currently, the reports data from Household Health Survey (Household Health Survey) that integrates with the National Socio-Economic Survey (NSES) states that 60% of smokers are adolescent or youth (15-19 years old). On the other hand, Cigarette Company targets the adolescents as potential customers. Thus, the Cigarette Company creates a sophisticated promotional technique that was focused on youth segment. The purpose of this research was to analyze the impact of tobacco advertising on youth smoking behavior. Methods : This article uses analytical descriptive methods with logical thinking about the impact of tobacco advertising on youth smoking behavior. A literature review was also conducted to enrich and refine the data that was analyzed. Discussion : Currently, many cigarettes advertisements were found both in printed and electronically mass media. Although currently there is cigarette advertising airtime restriction rules on television, but for the printed mass media there are no restrictions and were installed in public areas. In addition, the cigarette advertisement is featuring the closely symbolic meaning with teenage life (adventure, attract the opposite sex, passion and elegance). The company also advertises alternative product of cigarettes those are mild, light, ultra light cigarette convince teenagers consumers that with safer and healthier cigarettes, and have the modern and dynamic impressions, with a smaller size and suit the tastes of youth. This further convinced our teenager that lighter cigarette type is safer and healthier. Cigarette companies are also using sophisticated promotional techniques in sponsoring youth events such as sports, music concerts, and fashion shows. The using of female models in cigarette advertisements increases the number of adolescent girl’s smokers. The conditions in which teens are exposed to the advertising and promotion makes our teenager to be easy become smokers. Conclusion and Suggestion : So there is the impact of cigarette advertising on adolescents’ smoking behavior. Comprehensive efforts are needed by the government, private sector and a community in controlling the appearance of the advertisement, so those efforts can reduce the number of adolescent’s smokers.
Description: Prosiding Seminar Internasional Universitas Jember 2012
Appears in Collections:Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

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