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Title: Evaluasi Kinerja Apotek Dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard Dalam Perspektif Pembelajaran Dan Pertumbuhan Serta Proses Bisnis Internal
Authors: Afifah Machlaurin
Keywords: balanced scorecard, evaluating performance, pharmacy
Issue Date: 3-Apr-2014
Abstract: Pharmacy needs to evaluate the performance to make continues quality improvement by determining appropriate management. This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of pharmacy X with balanced scorecard approach in learning-growth and internal bussiness process perspectives. This study was non-experimental design and descriptive-evaluative. The observation of productivity level, time dispensing, drug availibility, drug information, and identification of drug related problem were conducted prospectively. The motivation rate of employee was defined by questioner. Turn over rate of employee and training was observed by interview and labor report. The study indicates that learning and growth perspective having the impact on internal business process. The study showed the high poductivity level 78,99%, high motivation of all the employee, and the low turn over rate might impact the good rate of internal business process indicators, i.e. average dispensing time 22,87 minutes of compounding drugs and 7,97 minutes of non compounding drugs, and the inventory availibility 91,33%. However, the low rate of training might impact the low quality of drug information and still found unidentified drug interaction (12,62%).
ISSN: 1907-2171
Appears in Collections:Fakultas Farmasi

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