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Title: Deskriptif Male Feminisme dan Kontra Male Feminisme Perilaku Tokoh Priyayi Golongan Ningrat Jawa dalam Novel De Winst Karya Afifah Afra
Authors: Aris Kartika, Bambang
Keywords: male feminism, male counter feminism, cultural patriarchy, feudalism, Javanese culture, feminist literary criticism
Issue Date: Dec-2011
Publisher: Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
Series/Report no.: LITERASI Jurnal ilmu-ilmu Humaniora;Vol 1 (2) Desember 2011
Abstract: Patriarchal culture is synonymous with the hegemonic power of the Javanese nobility, especially from the class of nobles, to the position of Javanese women, particularly those related to the ongoing gender inequality. There is even a Javanese cultural stereotypes that perpetuate gender inequality in women by placing it as a subordinate and inferior than men. That is, the system of feudalism and patriarchy positioned men priyayi Java as a counter-male feminism. However, in the perspective of deconstruction are the concepts of binary opposition, if there are any cons there are also male male feminism feminism, namely the aristocratic Javanese culture of patriarchy that does not apply to conduct in order to hegemonic power and control the subordinate position of women. There is even a Java class that actually supports the aristocratic conception of equality in gender as it is championed by feminists. In the novel De Winst binary opposition between male feminism with male counter feminism is reflected in the behavior of male figures from the Javanese aristocratic class of nobles in court environments Surakata Sultanate Palace that very strong tradition to uphold patriarchy and feudalism on the position of women, especially in the period of colonialism Dutch and Javanese monarchy system.
Description: -
ISSN: 2088-3307
Appears in Collections:Sastra

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