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dc.contributor.authorAris Kartika, Bambang-
dc.description.abstractThis article discusses the image of Javanese female power which is figured in the main character namely Biniaji, the Garwa Ampil (wife) King of Hayam Wuruk, in the novel Perang Paregrek (Paregrek War) by Langit Krisna Hariadi. The image of Javanese female power is a deconstruction of the feminist which view the culture of Java is not standing up for women. Though socially and psychologically, the Javanese culture is favorable for Javanese women in influencing the male domination of power without destroying the values of Javanese culture. Stereotypes of Javanese women power are the passivity and silence, no rebellion, and the ability to maintain the harmony by appreciating and serving their husband. The Javanese women build the power in the domestic sector with pliability characteristics such as patient, calm, and quiet. The image of Javanese Woman authority embeds in several attitudes i.e garwa -sigaraning nyawa(soul mate ) ; menang tanpa ngasorake (win without degrading); sepi ing pamrih,rame ing gawe (talk less, do more); apiking suami gumantung istri ( the success of a husband depends on his wife), apiking anak gumantung ibu ( the success of a kid depends on his mother ).This image in accordance with the principles of feminism power approach . Instead of placing men as their enemy, the feminism approach regards men as a partner as well as an integral part of their efforts to achieve social equality, although this perspective is presented in the study of feminist literary criticism of a literary worken_US
dc.publisherLembaga Penelitian Universitas Jemberen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJurnal Sosiohumaniora;Vol. 2, Januari - Desember 2009-
dc.subjectfeminism power, the image of female power, the javanese culture, feminist literary criticsmen_US
dc.titleCitra Kuasa Wanita Jawa: Telaah Feminisme Kekuasaan dalam Novel Perang Paregrek Karya Langit Kresna Hariadien_US
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