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dc.contributor.authorAris Kartika, Bambang-
dc.description.abstractThis article discusses the functions communication of visual associated with the analysis in print advertisements using semiotic approach as the science of signs. Semiotics is also used in advertising communication using signs such as icons, indexes, and symbols belong to Pierce and Barthes semiotic codes for design of a commercial interest in the context of the discussion through visual communication approach. Through the study on the design of print ads classical Javanese dance performance art "Matah Ati ', semiotic approach used to dissect the ads to find the meaning and the meaning hidden markers (signifier) and the signified (signified) on the design of the advertisement. This study is to clarify the importance of the theory of semiotics in studies that use visual communication approachen_US
dc.publisherPusat Penelitian Budaya dan Pariwisata Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Jemberen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJurnal Kultur;Vol 4 No. 2 September 2012-
dc.subjectSemiotics, Communication of Visual, Advertising Design, Print Ads "Matah Ati, Icon, Symbol, Indexes, Code Hermeneutica, Code Symbolic, Code Culturalen_US
dc.titleSeni Pertunjukkan Tari Mangkunegaran “Matah Ati” (The Studies of Semiotics Communication Visual Design Print Ad Performance Arts The Dance Mangkunegaran "Matah Ati")en_US
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