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Title: Eksploitasi Concubinage dan Subjek Subaltern : Hegemoni atas Perempuan Indonesia dalam Tinjauan Kritis Postkolonial dan Feminisme Novel De Winst Karya Afifah Afra Exploitation Concubinage and Subjects Subaltern: Hegemony of Indonesian Women in Critical Review of Postcolonial and Feminist in the Novel De Winst Author by Afifah Afra
Authors: Aris Kartika, Bambang
Keywords: concubinage, subaltern, colonialisme, theory of postcolonialism, postcolonial feminist literary of critics
Issue Date: Jun-2011
Publisher: Balai Bahasa Surabaya, Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional
Citation: -
Series/Report no.: Jurnal ATAVISME;Vol 14, No. 1, Juni 2011
Abstract: This paper discusses the practical Dutch colonization which resulted in a bias against gender injustice the position of Indonesian women in the novel De Winst author by Afifah Afra. This is reflected in the practical sexual exploitation against women by making them as konkubin (concubinage) or “wife” is actually represented as a concubine because no formal “diperistri” by white people and become the subject of Subaltern or oppressed because of the practical power of the male hegemony white man of Dutch colonial. Through a variety of postcolonial theory and postcolonial feminist literary criticism gained an understanding that women in the colonial period became the subject of both sexually marginalized and positioned as a slave to domestic affairs by European men. These women have no bargaining power in the realm of law to demand the recognition of the legitimate as a wife and a respectable position, not a victim of male domination of power over the body, either sexual or domestic labor for their household affairs (double burden ), including negative stereotypes that tend to lower the dignity as women. A reality of gender inequality that actually occurred during the empires of European colonialism in the former colonies, particularly against indigenous women.
Description: -
ISSN: 1410-900X
Appears in Collections:Sastra

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