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Authors: Widiarto, Indra Handoyo
Prihandono, Trapsilo
Keywords: briket, batubara, efisiensi waktu
Issue Date: 27-Jun-2013
Series/Report no.: JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA;Volume 1, Nomor 3, Desember 2012
Abstract: the material of world oil has been scarce and it make the source of mineral and energy department issued of the nationality energy policy, one of step is verification energy, that is to be increasing variety usage the alternative energy like coal, gas and new energy. The briquette coal is alternative energy from fossil and blended with waster or tapioca flour. In usage briquette coal get in stove coal briquette the process burned using help air gap at stove coal briquette. With assumption at the wide of air gap stove briquette coal large, so the flame more than large. The purpose of this analysis is to examine influence of air rapid about the Efficiency Time of boiling water. The analysis steps: the collecting material and tools that will be use for analysis. After that weighing the coal and then briquette heating until appearance the good quality fire then set of pain which is contain 1 liter water with air gap in stove coal briquette 16 cm2. Next when the water was boiled, make no the time of boiling water. And then, change the water with new water and air gap to be large. The influence of air gap at stove coal briquette about Efficiency time of boiling water is time quickly to need briquette for boiling water. The time quicker for coal briquette in boiled 1 liter water is 10 minutes with wide gap 56 cm2 and air rapid line 0,4 m/s. the conclusion is that the air gap opened wide in the process burning can be make fast process of burning and efficiency time of boiling water can be optimum. Because of gap was opened. Wide air and oxygen get reaction with fire until can be make fast the rapid of burning. More that wide gap in stove coal briquette, so oxygen more that bigger, with the high fire more that faster in the process boiling water. And the grade of efficiency time more than faster
ISSN: 2301 - 9794
Appears in Collections:Fakultas Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan

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