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Authors: Priandono, Febrian Eko
Astutik, Sri
Wahyuni, Sri
Keywords: audio-visual media, contextual, learning activity, student’s response, cognitive learning result
Issue Date: 27-Jun-2013
Series/Report no.: JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA;Volume 1, Nomor 3, Desember 2012
Abstract: Physics learning in senior high school regard by way of finding out about nature in a systematic form of the invention, facts, and concepts in everyday life. Physics learning in school requires a tool to present concepts and phenomena to be studied. The purpose of this research was to determine learning activity, student’s response, and cognitive learning result of students after learning using instructional media developed. This research is developing. The model used in this research is the development of 4-D model of development. The result of this development then conducted field trials. Tests carried out in class X-2 SMAN 1 Situbondo. Field trials conducted to determine student’s learning activity, student’s response, and student's cognitive learning result. Student’s learning activity were measured by observation, student’s response were measured by questionnaire, students' cognitive learning result were measured using the post-test is given at the end of the lesson. The results of this research show that student’s learning activity increase, student’s response is comfortable, easy to be understood, and interesting, from 23 students who attend post-test there were 4 students who scored below 75 and there were 19 students who scored above 75.
ISSN: 2301 - 9794
Appears in Collections:Fakultas Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan

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