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Title: Identifikasi Pengaruh Lokasi Usaha Terhadap Tingkat Keberhasilan Usaha Minimarket Waralaba di Kabupaten Jember dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis
Authors: Nuritha, Ifrina
Bukhori, Saiful
Eka, Windi
Keywords: Geographic Information Systems
Rapid Application Development
Hierarchical Clustering
Level of Effort
Business Location
Issue Date: 3-Jun-2013
Series/Report no.: Saintek;1
Abstract: Location is a factor in the retail marketing mix that can affect the success of a retail business, such as mini market franchise. This study aimed to identify the impact of location business on business success level mini market franchise in Jember. The success rate of the business is determined by grouping mini market franchise based on 6 indicators of business success with 5 hierarchical clustering method. Identify tthe impact of location business on business success level using spatial operations in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) web based . Designing GIS web-based in this study using approach of the Structured Analisys and Design (SSAD) based on the model of Rapid Application Development (RAD). The results showed that the single linkage method is the best clustering method that have smallest value ratio of the standard deviation within group (Sw) and the standard deviation between groups (Sb). Single linkage method's group 29 mini market franchise in Jember into 4 levels of business success according to the resultd of interpretation the cluster, that are mini market franchise with great success rate (4 minimarket), successful (11 mini), quite successful (10 mini ) and less successful (4 minimarket). Spatial analysis showed that the proximity to the college and high density population and per capita income in the location of the business, affect the level of business success minimarket franchise in Jember Regency.
Appears in Collections:SRA- Sains And Technology

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