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Authors: Ernawati
Keywords: Improving Class
Issue Date: 3-Dec-2013
Series/Report no.: 080210491001;
Abstract: Based on the preliminary study and observation that was done on September 14 th 2012, most of the tenth grade students of SMAN Jatiroto, especially class X.1 experienced some difficulties in writing a text in terms of organizing and developing their ideas to write, choosing appropriate words, and using appropriate tenses. This was proven by their writing scores which showed that only 15 students (46.8%) got ≥70. Besides, the students had low participation in the teaching learning process of writing. It means that they were still passive in the classroom. The classroom action research was intended to improve the class X.1 students’ writing achievement on narrative text and to improve their active participation in the teaching learning process of writing. Think Talk Write strategy was implemented in this research. The research was done collaboratively with the English teacher of SMAN Jatiroto. It was conducted in class X.1 of SMAN Jatiroto consisting of 32 students. The observation and the writing test were the methods that were used to collect the data. The action was implemented in two cycles in order to achieve the objectives of this classroom action research. The first cycle was done in two meetings and followed with a test. The results of the classroom observation showed that 41.94% students in meeting 1 and 61.29% students in meeting 2 were active during the teaching learning process. It showed that there was improvement of the students’ active participation from meeting 1 to meeting 2, but it had not achieved the objective vii of the research that was 70% students active. In addition, the result of the writing test in the first cycle had not achieved the criteria of success of the research that was 70% of the students got 70 or higher in the writing test. The percentage of the students who got score ≥ 70 was only 19 students of 32 students or 59.34% of the students. Based on the results of the first cycle above, the second cycle was necessary to be conducted. Revisions had been made to solve the problems found in the first cycle. The classroom observation and writing test in the second cycle showed an improvement. In the classroom observation, the students’ participation showed that 70.97% students in meeting 1 and 71.87% students in meeting 2 actively participated in the teaching learning process. So, the result of the observation in meeting 1 and meeting 2 had achieved the objective of the research. In the writing test, the percentage of the students who got score ≥ 70 in the writing test was 23 students of 32 students, or 71.87% of students. Based on those results, it could be concluded that the actions in the second cycle were successful because the results of classroom observation and writing test achieved the objectives of the research. Finally, it can be summarized that the use of Think Talk Write strategy can improve students’ writing achievement on narrative text and their active participation in the teaching learning process of writing a narrative text. It is suggested that the teacher varies the way of teaching writing, such as teaching writing using TTW strategy. The students are suggested to be actively participated during teaching learning process of writing. For the future researchers who have similar problems with writing are suggested to apply TTW strategy in the teaching learning process by conducting the same design of the research with different subjects and school.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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