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Authors: Isdiantoni
Keywords: return of credit, farm management efficiency
Issue Date: 26-Jan-2014
Series/Report no.: 061520201001;
Abstract: Capital Reinforcement Credit in Sumenep Regency is a working capital that is proposed to accelerate the application of agricultural technology by farmers. Through the application of technology, it is expected that return of farm management can increase. In its implementation, however, this credit always experiences problems; the return of credit tends to decrease (the arrears tend to increase) since capital reinforcement credit was issued in 2003. The objectives of this research are; (1) to identify factors that inspire farmers to apply for a credit, (2) to identify factors that influence farmers’ return of farm management, (3) to analyze efficiency level of their farming business, and (4) to analyze level of credit return and the factors that influence it, by using Exploratory Factor Analysis, econometrical statistical analysis (multiple regression), analysis of farm management efficiency (R/C) and logistic regression analysis. The results of analysis of factors showed that the main reasons of farmers to apply for a credit were (1) farmers’ internal factors (2) factor of credit facility (3) factor of credit requirements. Meanwhile, the factors that significantly influenced return of farm management of farmers applying for capital reinforcement credits were (a) production of farm management, (b) cost of production equipment, (c) labor cost, (d) other input costs. The efficiency of farm management (R/C) of paddy in Sumenep Regency had reached efficient level. Farmers who had settled the capital reinforcement credit had higher efficient level (R/C=1.60) than those who had not (R/C=1.54), so that they had more ability in returning the credit. Furthermore, level of return of capital reinforcement credit from 2003-2006 tended to decrease (the amount of arrears tended to increase). In line with this, factors that significantly influenced the opportunity of return of capital reinforcement credit were: (a) farm management income, (b) class of farmers group and (c) application of cultivation technology,
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