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Issue Date: 21-Jan-2014
Series/Report no.: 080210401023;
Abstract: SUMMARY Improving the Seventh Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement by Using Authentic Reading Materials at SMP Negeri 6 Bondowoso in the 2012/2013 Academic Year; Anggun Happy Ananda, 080210401023; 2013; 65 pages; English Language Education Study Program, Language and Arts Education Department, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jember University. This Classroom Action Research was intended to improve the VII-B grade students’ reading comprehension achievement by using authentic reading materials at SMP Negeri 6 Bondowoso in the 2012/2013 academic year. This research subjects were the students of class VII-B that was determined purposively, because their reading comprehension achievement score was 58 which was below the standard mastery of English of the school, 70. Based on the preliminary study in the form of interview with the English teacher and observation at SMP Negeri 6 Bondowoso, it was found that the students of VII-B grade students had difficulties in comprehending texts covered identify general information and specific information of the texts. Besides, the students also lacked of active participation in the classroom during the reading teaching and learning process. This was proven by their previous English score which showed that there were 18 out of 36 students who could achieve the minimum score requirement for the English subject, 70. The researcher tried to overcome the problem by using different media that were authentic reading materials to improve the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The data collection methods used were reading comprehension test and the observation to get primary data. The data were analyzed statistically using percentage score. The action was implemented in two cycles. The first cycle was conducted in three meetings including the test. The results of the classroom observation showed that 47,22% in meeting 1, and 58,33% in meeting 2 of the students were active during the teaching learning process. It showed that there was improvement of the students’ xiv active participation from meeting 1 to meeting 2, but it had not achieved the criteria of success of the research that was 75% or more of the students who were active in reading teaching learning process. In addition, the result of the reading comprehension test in the first cycle had not achieved the criteria of success of the research that was 75% of the students got ≥ 70 in the reading comprehension test. The percentage of the students who got score ≥ 70 was only 24 students or 66,66% out of 37 students. Based on the results of the first cycle above, the second cycle was necessary to be conducted. Some revisions had been made to solve the problems found in the first cycle. The revisions were: 1) The researcher gave instruction to the students to make a note about the lessons or the materials given, 2) The researcher gave more reinforcement and rewards to the students who actively involved in the teaching learning activities, 3) The researcher used English and Indonesian language in the teaching and learning process, 4) The researcher gave the materials clearly. (Large printed materials), and 5) The researcher gave more examples related to the lessons. The classroom observation and reading comprehension test in the second cycle showed an improvement. In the classroom observation, The students’ active participation showed that 72,22% in meeting 1 and 83,33% in meeting 2 of the students’ actively participated in the teaching learning process. So that, the result of the observation in meeting 1 and meeting 2 had achieved the criteria of success of the research. In the reading comprehension test, the percentage of the students who got score ≥ 70 in the reading comprehension test was 29 students, or 80,55% out of 37 students. Based on those results, it can be concluded that the actions in the second cycle were successful because the result of classroom observation and reading comprehension test had achieved the criteria of success of the research. Finally, it can be summarized that the use of Authentic Reading Materials could improve the VII-B grade students’ reading comprehension achievement and their active participation in the teaching and learning process at SMP Negeri 6 xv Bondowoso. Some suggestions are also suggested to the English teacher, students, and future researchers to use Authentic Reading Materials to improve the students’ reading comprehension achievement and their active participation in the teaching reading and learning process.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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