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Title: Analisis Sistem Tanggap darurat Kebakaran Terhadap Kejadian Kebakaran Tahun 2005-2010 pada Divisi Kapal Niaga PT. Pal Indonesia.
Authors: Isha Dini Aprilianti
Issue Date: 30-Nov-2013
Series/Report no.: 072110101093;
Abstract: ire Emergency Response System is an effort and activities carried out in a planned, coordinated and integrated of an emergency situation includes identification of fire emergencies; preplanning; emergency response procedures; emergency response organizations; resources , facilities and infrastructures; coaching and training, communication, investigation and reporting system; inspections and audits which supported by the company's commitment. Production process of PT. PAL Indonesia (persero) have a high risk of fire especially Merchant Ship Division. Therefore, it is necessary to implementing fire emergency response system. This was a descriptive study with qualitative approach. Number of informan in this study was 6 informants which extracted using purposive sampling technique. Retrieval of data using in-depth interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The data obtained then analyzed by using thematic content analysis method. The results showed that PT. PAL Indonesia (persero) had a good emergency response system and according to standard. Based on these results, the company expected to increase the frequency of coaching and training to improve their knowledge and skills in dealing with fire emergencies; increase alertness, awareness and concern of all employees to improve discipline at work to reduce human error as a risk factors of fire occurrence; improve compliance and maintain facilities and infrastructure as well as conduct periodic review of facilities and infrastructure that have been provided for use during fire emergencies.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Public Health

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