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Title: The Analysis of Code Mixing of Economic Terms Used in “Ekonomi Bisnis” in the Jawa Pos Newspaper
Authors: Sinta Puspitasari
Keywords: Code Mixing
Issue Date: 20-Jan-2014
Series/Report no.: 030110101016;
Abstract: In many parts of the world it is normally a requirement of daily life that people speak several languages. These various languages are usually acquired naturally and unconsciously and the mixes from one language to another are made without hesitation. This thesis aims to prove that there is code mixing of economic terms that is used in the Jawa Pos Newspaper and find out the reasons of the journalist uses different code in reporting news. The first thing to do in this research is finding the text in economic that consist of the insertion of the English words or phrases, and read all the texts to understand the meaning of the English words or phrases that are used. Secondly, the English words or phrases will be proved that they can be said as code mixing. The third step is the explanation of the meaning of the English words or phrases and the available words or phrases in Indonesian language. Finally, the reasons of the journalists to use the English words or phrases in reporting economic news in the Jawa Pos Newspaper will be discussed. The result of this analysis is there is English-Indonesian code mixing of economic terms used in “Ekonomi Bisnis” in the Jawa Pos newspaper. And the reason of the writer are the journalist mixes between the two codes in order to be more informative and because of the lack in the base language. Some English words or phrases that are used have available words or phrases in Indonesian, but there are also words or phrases that have no equivalent words or phrases in Indonesian language.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Culture (Cultural Knowledge)

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