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Title: GAMBARAN KARAKTERISTIK PETUGAS LAPANGAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DAN MASYARAKAT PADA PROGRAM PENDEWASAAN USIA PERKAWINAN DI KECAMATAN TAMAN KROCOK KABUPATEN BONDOWOSO TAHUN 2012 (Field Officer of Family Planning and Communities Characteristic Description at Maturation Age of Marriage Program in Taman Krocok Sub district, Bondowoso, 2012)
Authors: Witcahyo, Eri
Aprilianingrum, Ana Kusuma
Keywords: characteristic, field officer of family planning, communities, maturation age of marriage
Issue Date: 28-Nov-2013
Abstract: Background: In three years until 2011, marriages at Taman Krocok sub district under 20 years old were 75.90%, 79.31% and 78.45%. That means, target 3.5% under 20 years of marriage at 2014 will difficult to achieve. Objective: The study was to give description for field officer of family planning (PLKB) and communities characteristics. Method: The study design was descriptive, with 5 planned family field officers and 5 women that marriage under 20 years old as informant. Study focuses were level education, work period, knowledge, training, perception, behavior and culture at communities. Results: There were found that some of field officer of family planning wasn’t have training and have incorrect knowledge about marriage age boundaries. Communities have a strong culture and perception about less than 20 years of marriage. Conclusion: The most dominant at communities in order that make decision about marriage were perception and concerns about her daughter and there were also differences regarding age boundaries at legal form.
Description: Prosiding Seminar Nasional "Peran Keilmuan Kesehatan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Kependudukan setelah Pencanangan MDG's" Sabtu, 16 Nopember 2013 - Hotel Panorama Jember
ISBN: 978-602-9030-42-6
Appears in Collections:Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

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