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Title: Descriptive Study of Maternal and Neonatal Child Health In Lengkong Village, Jember Regency
Authors: Sandra, Christyana
Keywords: Descriptive, Maternal and neonatal child health
Issue Date: 25-Nov-2013
Abstract: Background: Maternal and neonatal Chils Health is one of interest for World Health Organization (WHO). Mortality rate of maternal and neonatal child health is development objective appropriate with Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) 2015. Indonesia is country with higher mortality rate of maternal and neonatal child health than another country at ASEAN region. Objective: The objective of this study was to describe maternal and neonatal child health condition at Lengkong Village, Jember Regency. Methods: This research is descriptive study. Population of this study was the citizens at Lengkong Village who had met the given criteria. Sample size was 100 persons. Results: Results showed that respondent who had health information was about 46%, which had that information from health services was only 56,4%. It was about 63%, mother had to be family planning acseptor with details used: pill (31.8%), injection (52.4%), for each spiral (3.2%), and implan (12.6%). The distribution place to get contraception was midwifes (69.8%), public health center (8.2%), hospital (0.8%), and apotek (19.4%). There was 11.0% mother had miscarriage. There was 100% baby and child have immunization. The immunization status divide into 79% complete immunization and 21% incomplete immunization. Reasons why baby and child had incomplete immunization was there was no time to take baby and child for immunization (24.0%), fear that baby and child got fever (10.0%), it was not the prosedure time (29.0%) and didn’t knew the schedule (37.0%). As many as 64% of respondents admitted to prenatal care in the health care midwives. Frequency of prenatal care is mostly done with the rules of K1, K2, K3, and K4 by 58% of respondents. In conducting deliveries, most of the respondents have committed to the delivery of adequate health services. But of the 100 respondents, there were 36 respondents who are still doing deliveries to the shaman for several reasons such as distance healer with the respondent's house nearby, culture, too late to identify, and the birth process is relatively inexpensive
Description: Prosiding Seminar Nasional "Kebijakan Kementerian Kesehatan dalam Upaya Percepatan Penurunan Angka Kematian Ibu dan Bayi melalui Program Jaminan Persalinan (JAMPERSAL) Sabtu, 26 November 2011, Aula PT. Telkom Jember Lantai 8
ISBN: 978-602-9030-04-4
Appears in Collections:Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

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