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Keywords: Vocabulary Achievement, Game
Issue Date: 14-Jan-2014
Abstract: Vocabulary as one of the Language components is important in learning English. However, many students still find difficulties in studying vocabulary. Therefore, game is needed to help students who have learning difficulty, especially in vocabulary. This Classroom Action Research was intended to improve the fifth grade students’ vocabulary achievement and their active participation by using “question and answer” game at SD Negeri Sumbersalak 01 Ledokombo Jember in the 2011/2012 academic year. That was determined purposively. They were chosen because the fifth grade students in that classroom still had problems in learning new vocabulary and memorizing the meanings of the words. It was proved from the average scores of the students’ vocabulary achievement test that was 50, while the standard passing grade of the school was 65. This research was done in two cycles, in which each cycle covered four activities namely: the planning of the action, the implementation of the action, classroom observation, evaluation and reflection of the action. Then, each cycle was conducted in two meetings, in which vocabulary test conducted in the third meeting. The data collection methods used in each cycle were xii classroom observation and vocabulary test, to conduct the primary data and supporting data by interview and documentation were used to get supporting data. The result of observations and vocabulary test in cycle 1 did not achieve the target requirement of the research. The result of the observation in cycle 1 showed that 20 students of 31 students (65%) were actively involved in the first meeting. Then, in the second meeting, there were 22 students of 31 students (71%) who were actively involved in the teaching learning process of vocabulary. In other words, the percentage of the student’s active participation in cycle 1 had not achieved the target percentage yet. Meanwhile the result of the students’ vocabulary test done after the action in the first cycle showed that the mean score was 61,29 and only 55% of the students got score at least ≥ 65. The result showed that the students’ vocabulary achievement in the first cycle had not achieved the target average score that was 65. Therefore the action cycle was continued to the second cycle by revising some necessary changes used in the first cycle. In the cycle 2 the result of observations and vocabulary test achieved the target. It showed that in the first meeting, there were 26 students of 31 students or 84% who were actively taking part of the teaching learning process, 28 students of 31 students or 90% were active in the second meeting. The result of the students’ vocabulary test also reached the target score in cycle 2 (M=72, 42) which was higher than cycle 1 (M=61, 29). In this cycle, there were 27 students or 81% of the students got score ≥ 65. It means that the teaching vocabulary by using “Question and Answer” game could improve the students’ vocabulary achievement. Based on the above results, it could be concluded that teaching vocabulary by using “Question and Answer” game was useful and good to improve the students’ vocabulary achievement and to make students participate actively during the teaching learning of vocabulary at SD Negeri Sumbersalak 01 Ledokombo Jember. The students were motivated to learn new words in relax atmosphere. They enjoyed and felt comfortable, did not feel afraid of making mistakes. The students were motivated to be active in teaching learning of vocabulary because the game facilitates a competitive situation, done in relax situation and xiii made students enjoy the game. Therefore, it is suggested to the English teacher to apply game, in order to help students who have difficulties in learning vocabulary to increase their vocabulary mastery.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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