LSP-Conference Proceeding : [1874] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 861 to 880 of 1874
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-11-13Kajian Sifat Agronomi Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicon esculentum) Hasil Insersi Gen SoSPS1 (Sucrose Phosphat Synthase)Dewanti, Parawita; Okviandari, Purnama; Sugiharto, Bambang
2011-02-17Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation of Tomato and Production of Transgenic Plants Containing Gene Increased Sucrose Transport SoSUT1Dewanti, Parawita; Saputra, Bernet Agung; Wardiyati, Tatik; Sugiarto, Arifin Nur; Sugiharto, Bambang
2019-04-09Women's Leadership Style in Special Education Cases in Jember Regency: 21st Century Skills ChallengesA T Palupi; Sukidin, Sukidin; Kantun, Sri
2019-04-09The Strategy of the Women’s Leadership (A Case Study of the Head Village in Puger Subdistrict)K Fitriyah; Kantun, Sri; Sukidin, Sukidin
2019-04-09Optimization of Superior Banana Product Diversification: Empowerment of Poor CommunitiesM U Kurniawan; A.E Cahyono; Sukidin, Sukidin; Kantun, Sri
2019-04-09Improving Students’ Environmental Care Behavior through the Implementation of the Green and Clean School Program in SMP Negeri 1 JemberKantun, Sri; R N Sedyati; Fitriati, Ida
2019-04-09Analysis of Fixed Assets Accounting Implementation in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Units in JemberKantun, Sri; Djaja, Sutrisno; Kartini, Titin
2019-04-09Developing Student’s Historical Consciousness by Understanding the Indonesian History and the Historical ThinkingA.M Ramdhani; Na'im, Mohamad; Sumardi, Sumardi
2019-04-09Comparison of Creative and Ceative Capabilities History Learning Results using the Method Problem Solving and Problem Based LearningZ. C Cotrunnada; Na'im, Mohamad; Sumardi, Sumardi
2017-08-01The Effect of Adding Leucite Mineral and Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria on the Potassium Availability in Soil, Potassium Uptake and Plant Growth of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Besuki Na-OogstIrawati, Widya; Setiawati, Tri Candra; Winarso, Sugeng
2018-10-18The Activity of Potassium and Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria from Sugarcane Rhizosphere on Some Bagasse Condition Media Inoculated by Lignocellulolytic bacteriaSetiawati, Tri Candra; Mandala, Marga; Avief, Avief
2018-11-17The Effectiveness of Enrichment Triad Model to Enhance Students' Learning Outcomes of History LearningSumardi, Sumardi; Surya, Riza Afita; Na'im, Mohamad
2018-11-17Interactive Weblog as a Source of Social Study of Junior High School StudentsSholihin, Insan; Sumardi, Sumardi; Umamah, Nurul
2018-11-17Edmodo as a Media for History Learning in the Digital EraKhoirunnisa, Happy; Umamah, Nurul; Sumardi, Sumardi
2018-11-17Accelerated Learning Integrated by Discovery Learning in History Course: How Z Generation LearnSafitri, Dyah Ayu; Umamah, Nurul; Sumardi, Sumardi
2018-11-17The Implementation of Free Educational Program (FEP) at MTs Syamsul Arifin Curahkalong Bangsalsari JemberA Hasanah; Kantun, Sri; Soepeno, Bambang
2018-11-17The Usage of e-Book as Learning Media Through the Sigil Application in HistoryA Imansari; Umamah, Nurul; Na'im, Mohamad
2018-11-17Situbondo Batik: Natural Resources in CultureFirdausya, Alfin Rhizka; Sumardi, Sumardi; Umamah, Nurul
2018-11-17Identification of the Megalithic Tradition Based on its Region and the Human Activity in BanyuwangiSanti, Elis; Na'im, Mohamad; Umamah, Nurul
2018-11-17Google Classroom: As a Media of Learning HistoryDA Fitriningtiyas; Umamah, Nurul; Sumardi, Sumardi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 861 to 880 of 1874