LSP-Conference Proceeding : [1874] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 701 to 720 of 1874
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-01-01Strategi Pengembangan Nilai-Nilai Keagamaan pada Anak Usia Dini (Suatu Tinjauan Praktis)Khutobah, Khutobah
2019-12-12Effectiveness of the Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Achieving the Ultimate Goals of ASEAN-3VIPHINDRARTIN, Sebastiana; SALEH, Mohammad; PRESTIANAWATI, Silvi Asna
2018-09-21The Lower Bound of the r-Dynamic Chromatic Number of Corona Product by Wheel GraphsKRISTIANA, Arika Indah; UTOYO, Muhammad Imam; DAFIK, Dafik
2014-08-22Kembalinya Sirkulasi Spontan dan Peran Terapi Hipotermik (Return of Spontaneous Circulation and Hypothermy Role)-
2015-03-27Pencegahan Endokarditis Infeksiosa pada Anak Penyandang Kelainan Kardiovaskular dalam Praktek Dokter GigiSURYONO, Suryono
2014-08-22Interpretasi Foto Thorax pada Penyakit Jantung (Interpretation of X-Rays in Cardiac)SURYONO, Suryono
2014-06-06Evaluasi Perioperatif pada Tindakan Operasi Noncardiac (Perioperative Evaluation in Noncardiac Surgery)SURYONO, Suryono
2020-06-02Community Empowerment of Limestone Mountain Area: Community Development Program PT Semen Puger Tbk.ARIEFIANTO, Lutfi; HILMI, Muhammad Irfan; HENDRAWIJAYA, Arief Tukiman; INDRIANTI, Deditiani Tri; FAJARWATI, Linda
2020-03-20The Analysis of Students’ Critical Problem Solving on Circle-related Questions using Pesantren-based Scientific ApproachA. KRISWANTO; SUSANTO, Susanto; IRVAN, Muhtadi
2019-04-09Student Creative Thinking Process in Solving Geometry Problems Based on Van Hiele LevelN. AGUSTININGSIH; SUSANTO, Susanto; YULIATI, Nanik
2019-05-07Profile of the Student’s Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Solving Geometry ProblemE.S. WAHYUNI; SUSANTO, Susanto; HADI, Alfian Futuhul
2020-03-23Integrating GeoGebra into Geometry Space Learning: A Lesson from Traditional Cultural Festival Tumpeng SewuSAFRIDA, Lela Nur; SETIAWAN, Toto Bara; SUSANTO, Susanto; YUDIANTO, Erfan; AMBARWATI, Reza; PUTRI, Inge Wiliandani Setya
2014-10-29Biochemical Resistance Mechanism of Several Genotype of Soybean to Rust DiseasesPoerwoko, Moh. Setyo; Trisusilowati, Endang Budi; Amarullah, Amarullah
2020-06-02The Giant Step of Tiny Toes: Youth Impact on the Securitization of Climate ChangeTRIHARTONO, Agus; VIARTASIWI, Nino; NISYA, Chairun
2020-06-02The Early Stage of Indonesia’s Gastrodiplomacy: In the Middle of Nowhere?TRIHARTONO, Agus; PURWOWIBOWO, Purwowibowo; SANTOSO, Budhy; PAMUNGKAS, Fikry Zuledy; NISYA, Chairun
2020-06-02Social and Cultural Behavior in Handling Urban Issues: The Case of Surabaya, IndonesiaA. SA'IR; U. SHOLAHUDIN; TRIHARTONO, Agus
2020-06-02Minimizing Brain Drain: How BumDes Holds the Best Resources in the VillagesASMUNI, Asmuni; ROHIM, Rohim; TRIHARTONO, Agus
2020-06-02Frontline Messenger: Preliminary Study on Indonesian “Diaspora” in GastrodiplomacyTRIHARTONO, Agus; SANTOSO, Budhy; HARA, Abubakar Eby; PAMUNGKAS, Fikry Zuledy; VIARTASIWI, Nino
2019-11-15Irrigation Effect of Mangosteen Pericarp Extract in Wistar Rat Root Canal on Macrophage Activities Periapical TissueFEBRIYANTI, Berlian Calpika; LESTARI, Sri; SULISTIYANI, Sulistiyani
2019-11-15The Irrigation Effect of Mangosteen Rind (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) Extract in The Root Canal of Wistar Rat (Rattus norvegicus) on the Number of Neutrophil Periapical TissueDEWANDARI, Ratna; LESTARI, Sri; APRIYONO, Dwi Kartika; SYAFRIADI, Mei; NUGROHO, Raditya
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 701 to 720 of 1874