LSP-Conference Proceeding : [1874] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 1874
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-09-28Benefits of literation information against improvement of mushroom agriculture in Rambipuji, Jember DistrictS RENGGANATA, S Rengganata; SUKIDIN, Sukidin; KANTUN, Sri
2019-09-28Creative behavior of fisherman wives in the pesisir Village of the District Besuki - SitubondoBUDIARTO, Budiarto; SUHARSO, Pudjo; KANTUN, Sri
2015-11-05Classroom Management Skills Of Physics Student Intern In SMK Negeri 5 JemberHANDAYANI, Rif’ati Dina
2021-03-09Multiple representation based physics learning to improve students learning outcomes at SMAN 3 Jember on projectile motion materialsHANDAYANI, Rif''ati Dina; GUNAWAN, Gunawan; MAHARDIKA, I Ketut; U F ABDILLAH, U F Abdillah
2019-10-02Perancangan Alat Pengukur Arus Air Sederhana dari Bahan Daur UlangSAKINAH, Wazirotus; HABIBI, Habibi
2021-05-26Isolation protocol of jumbo phage from winter grass soilWAFA, Ali; SAAD, A Mohamed; ADDY, H S; T KAWASAKI, T Kawasaki
2021-10-06The phytopatological compatibility of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) var. IPB Bm 1 as refugiaWAFA, Ali; CAHYADI, Y A
2021-08-30An Improving Efficiency MPPT in PV Systems with a Modified Voltage RegulatorWIDJONARKO, Widjonarko; BUKHORI, Saiful; PRATAMA, Arzoga Putra
2021-08-30Driver For Led Lamp With Buck Converter Controlled By PidWIDONARKO, Widjonarko; RAHARDI, Gamma Aditya; AVIAN, Cries; HADI, Widyono; HERDIANTO, Dedy Wahyu; SATRIO, Panji Langgeng
2021-02-12Classification Using Nonparametric Logistic Regression for Predicting Working StatusWIBOWO, Wahyu; AMELIA, Rahmi; OCTAVIA, Fanny Ayu; WILANTARI, Regina Niken
2020-06-22Preliminary Study on the use of Sentinel-2A Image for Mapping of Dry Marginal Agricultural LandS N KHOLIFAH, S N Kholifah; MANDALA, Marga; INDARTO, Indarto; PUTRA, Bayu Taruna Widjaja
2021-02-01Coronavirus Transmission Trough Ocular Secretion: A Review Of Coronavirus Andocular ManifestationsCAHYANA, Nugraha Wahyu
2020-12-12Prediksi Curah Hujan dengan Pemodelan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Di DAS Mayang, Kabupaten JemberHIDAYATI, Febrotul; HIDAYAH, Entin; HALIK, Gusfan
2019-11-22Asesmen Kinerja DAS Bedadung Kabupaten Jember – Jawa TimurHALIK, Gusfan; DESY L., Desy L.,K.K.; WAHYUNI, Sri; HIDAYAH, Entin; WIDIARTI, Wiwik Yunarni
2018-09-07Kebutuhan Air Bersih pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah di Kabupaten Jember dalam Rangka Peningkatan Pelayanan kepada MasyarakatBADRIANI, Ririn Endah; YUNARNI, Wiwik; HIDAYAH, Entin; HALIK, Gusfan; WAHYUNI, Sri
2020-01-21Characterization of Physical and Chemical Properties of Effervescent Tablets Temulawak (Curcuma zanthorrhiza) in the Various Proportion of Sodium Bicarbonate and Tartaric AcidHERLINA, Herlina; KUSWARDHANI, Nita; BELGIS, Maria; TIARA, Adinda
2020-01-21Quality Development of Bagiak (Osing Ethnic’s Snack) Using Gembili (Dioscorea esculenta L.) FlourHERLINA, Herlina; KUSWARDHANI, Nita; WIDJAYANTHI, Lenny
2021-05-12Effectiveness Android-based Learning Media on Basic Competence of Service Company Financial Statements Class X AKL at SMK Negeri Darul Ulum Muncar BanyuwangiSILVIANA, Septin Bilkhis; TIARA, Tiara; KANTUN, Sri; NAJIB, Ahmad
2021-05-12The Effectiveness of The Digital Books’ Usage to Improve The XII IPS 3 Class Students’ Motivation at SMAN Pakusari JemberDIARTA, Fergi; TIARA, Tiara; KANTUN, Sri; SARI, Dhany Efita
2019-09-28The Analysis of Using an IPOS 4.0 Accounting Information System (AIS) on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Jember IndonesiaKANTUN, Sri; KARTINI, Titin; TIARA, Tiara; HERLINDAWATI, Dwi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 1874