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Title: Analisis Rantai Pasok Komoditi Tomat Lokal di Kabupaten Jember
Authors: FAIZIN, Mochamad Nur
Keywords: TOMATO
Issue Date: 23-Aug-2024
Publisher: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Abstract: Tomatoes are a leading commodity with good market prospects. The Jember Regency Statistical Data Center shows that production development has experienced fluctuations, from BPS data in 2021 the tomato harvest area in Jember Regency was 130ha, resulting in total tomato production of 13,720kw, while in 2022 the tomato harvest area was 139ha, total production was 10,051kw. The areas experiencing fluctuations in the decline in tomato production in Jember Regency are Sumberjambe, Sukowono and Kalisat villages. Identifying the causes of losses is very important to find out the causes of losses (loss of yield) in tomato commodities along the tomato supply chain. Therefore, steps are needed to overcome and minimize obstacles in the tomato supply chain. One method used to evaluate the handling of problems in the supply chain of a commodity is to use the Commodity System Assessment Method (CSAM) approach. Prioritization of post- harvest improvement strategies for tomatoes using the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method. There are four tomato supply chains, supply chain 1 farmer - consumer, supply chain, 2 farmer - retailer - consumer, supply chain, 3 farmer - collector - retailer - consumer, and supply chain, 4 farmer - collector - wholesaler - retailer - consumer. It was found that sorting at the farmer level was 5.127%. This shows that the largest post-harvest losses in tomatoes are at the farmer level. Alternative priority A2 has the highest ideal value, namely 1, related to counseling or directing tomato farmers so that they get the desired amount of harvest and the quality of the product produced.
Description: Finalisasi oleh Taufik Tgl 12 Maret 2025
Appears in Collections:MT-Agroindustry

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