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Title: Prevalensi dan Distribusi Penyakit Jaringan Lunak Mulut pada Pasien Klinik Ilmu Penyakit Mulut RSGM Universitas Jember 2023
Authors: SALMA, Khalida
Issue Date: 6-Jun-2024
Publisher: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi
Abstract: Introduction: Oral soft tissue disease can affect all ages and genders. Its prevalence varies in various population. Based on the 2018 Riskesdas data, oral cavity problem in Indonesia are still quite high, reaching 57,6%. Purpose: The study aim to describe the prevalence and distribution of oral soft tissue diseases in patients of the Oral Medicine Clinic of RSGM University of Jember in 2023. Methods: This study is a descriptive observational study with a study population of 737 patient’s data at the Oral Medicine Clinic RSGM University of Jember. Sampling using the total sampling method. Results: The prevalence of oral soft tissue disease were oral candidiasis (42,74%), cheilitis (27,12%), reccurent aphthous stomatitis (26,32%), and traumatic ulcer (13,02%). Distribution based on gender, oral candidiasis is mostly found in men (58,42%), cheilitis mostly found in women (67%), reccurent aphthous stomatitis mostly found in women (67,01), and traumatic ulcer is mostly found in women (67,7%). Distribution based on age groups, oral candidiasis is mostly found in the 17–25 year age group, followed by the 46–55 age group, 56–65 year age group, and 65 years and over, cheilitis, reccurent aphthous stomatitis, and traumatic ulcer are mostly found in the 17–25 age group. Conclusions: In this study, oral candidiasis was the type of oral soft tissue disease with the highest prevalence (42,74%), mostly found in males (58,42%), and the age group 17–25, followed by the 46–55 age group, 56–65 year age group, and 65 years and over. Increased prevention of the incidence of oral soft tissue diseases needs to be carried out, especially in disease that have a high prevalence.
Description: Finalisasi oleh Taufik Tgl 3 Maret 2025
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Dentistry

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